Product Dimensions:
Width: 28 cm (11")
Depth: 30.5 cm (12")
Height: 51 cm (20")
Product Weight:
32 Kg (70 lbs)
Cart weight: 45 Kg ( 100 lbs)
Detector Sizes:
5 cm X 10 cm (2" X 4")
7.6 cm X 10 cm (3" X 5")
When high quality images are required but space is also a primal consideration, the XPRET 20 is the best solution. With its small dimensions, the contained units fits easily on any desk taking up less real estate than your desktop workstation. The system is also available on a cart so that it is easily maneuvered between the biopsy suite and the operation room. Despite its small size the system is shielded and compliant with U.S. Federal and State requirements for radiation safety.
The XPERT 20 is easy to install as it required a standard AC power source. The high resolution images are created with a small focal spot X-ray source for tiny detail detection. Comprehensive and user friendly software tools enable quick, intra-operative specimen analysis, thus increasing patient care quality while reducing call back rates and costs.
So Where is the Technological Twist?
With intra-operative specimen radiology available event in the smallest of spaces, the efficiency of the biopsy suite is considerably enhanced and patient care levels rise. The system can be placed directly on a desk or in a cart for maximum mobility. Breast cancer biopsy radiology throughput is streamlined with no compromise on image quality. The smallest micro-calcification sin a biopsy specimen can be identified with easy to use software and multiple images can be transported to PACS with a click of a button.
Tech Spec:
Energy Range: 10-25 kV
Tube Current: up to 1.0 mA
Window Filtration: 0.005" Beryllium
Power: 90-250 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 400 VA
Spatial Resolution: 10.4 lp/mm, contact mode
Focal Spot: 50 µm, nominal
User Interface: Touch screen monitor, icon based interface
DICOM Compliant: Annotate, Store, Print, Modality Work List
* Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Images Copyright © 2015 KUB Technologies, Inc. of which RTUTec is a distributor
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