Radiography and Related Accessories
The NDT Accessories from RTUTec are used for quality assurance of an NDT apparatus in accordance with current industry standards. This allows verification of proper functionality of the specific equipment and as a result, verifying stability and quality performance of the entire system.

Personal Electronic Dosimeter (PED)
The ValuCT is a complete DR/CT system that includes X-ray Cabinet, Digital Detector, X-ray Source, Computer, Software and mechanical manipulators which ensure you will have a fully synchronized system and seamless operation. This system is the best-in-class DR/CT imaging system in terms of price vs. imaging performance. Download catalog here.
Tracerco has designed the PEDs to be the easiest
personal radiation monitors on the market to use
and understand. Everything on the devices has
been designed with the user in mind. The display
system features radiation graph measurements
and a simple diagram of a person who fills with
Color, depending on the dose of radiation
Received. All of our PEDs include weather, shock
and drop proof housings, a smooth, clean design
and simple to use software.Download catalog here.
The RAM-ION is a portable ION chamber survey meter which provides high accuracy measurements of dose rates, as well as integrated dose of Gamma, X-ray and Beta radiation. The accuracy of the device enables it to register enegy levels as low as few nanoseconds X-ray bursts, such as those emmited by a pulsed X-ray source. Ram-ION combines the display of both a smoothed digital readout for minimum fluctuation and a two decade analog bar graph for fastresponse.
Download catalog here.
Duplex wire Image Quality Indicator (IQI) consists of 13 groups of wire pairs embedded into PMMA (lucite) transparent plate. The Duplex wire IQI is used in radiographic testing (RT) with all the major technologies (X-ray film, image plates and DDAs) and in accordance with current industry standards. Download Duplex Wire IQI Brochure here.

Focal Spot Pinhole
The CR test phantom provides the means for measuring all the important indicators used to qualify the image of a Computed Radiography (CR) system in accordance with current industry standards. One phantom contains all the items required to generate all the testing scores for quick and accurate results. Download CR Test Phantom Brochure here.
With the Focal Spot Pinhole kit, the focal spot size of various X-ray tubes can be measured with the highest accuracy and according to current industry standards. The kit contains a platinum - alloy diaphragm with four different pinhole sizes, enabling precise, repeatable and reliable measurement of a range of focal spot sizes. Download Focal Spot Pinhole Brochure here
X-ray Sources are a bare necesity of almost every NDT service Company. RTUTec offers a Variety of X-ray sources for a wide range of Jobs and budgets. Find out more here or contact us for any special device you may need.
Digital Radiography systems allow to visually see features embedded in Concrete and allows accurate identification and measurement of rebars, plastic conduits, cables and defects, to name a few. The system is battery operated, fully wireless, rugged and extremely simple to use. For more details contact us here.