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Facility Management NDT

Innovative testing technologies enable the facility manager to ensure the functioning of various equipment. Expenses and shutdowns for repairs are minimized. Maintenance becomes an easier task and satisfaction levels rise.


Large facilities have complex equipment and networks that ensures everything is in order. The facility user or customer should not sense this. For the customer, a flowing user experience is the only thing that matters. Whether its an office building, an amusement park or a large shopping complex, the job of the facility management is to ensure that everything runs smoothly. On the other hand, the facility manger also needs to be alerted to every problem and be aware of faulty equipment. This is why the maintenance routine and testing procedures are of the highest importance. Innovative testing equipment can help ensure a smooth work-flow, providing on site fast results and enabling the facility manger to take informed decision regarding repairs and maintenance tasks for optimized operations. 


So Where is the Technological Twist?

Modern innovative technologies enable bringing the most up to date testing methods to any location within the facility. Climbing ladders or many flight of steps or squeezing into tight places is possible with the newest testing equipment. The facility manager can conduct regular and repeated testing anywhere on site.


Portable computerized radiography scanners with a user friendly GUI and thermographic devices that are connected to a smart phone enable testers to provide real-time results on screen for immediate action. The facility manger can be alerted on the spot to faults and arrange for their quick and focused repair, thus minimizing costs and shutdown times.


Digiral Radiographic testing requires lower doses of energy, thanks to modern detectors, so that test can be conducted also during day times, even when the facility users are on site. Repairs can be validated immediately with repeated testing.  Testing procedures are recorded for uniformity. The digital database allows for easy recording of results and conducting check up and follow-up on the condition of the repaired equipment.

Detecting technologies facility management and maintenance
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